Latest Recipes

  • Mini Salty Scottish Oatmeal Cookies
    Crispy, golden oatmeal cookies topped with flecks of sea salt. A crunchy, toothy, salty bite every time. A tribute to Grandma Lindsley. Makes 5-6 dozen bite sized cookies.
  • Blood Orange Oleo Saccharum
    Blood Orange Oleo Saccharum is the purest, most flavorful, perfectly blood orangey liquid. It’s like eating an entire blood orange that’s been sweetened in the most exceptional way. And it’s super easy to do!
  • Mini Strawberry Rhubarb Turnovers
    Sweet strawberries & tart rhubarb wrapped in light, tender, golden pastry topped with icing. These mini strawberry rhubarb turnovers mark the beginning of summer sweets.
  • Top 5 Desserts for Mother’s Day
    These are my Top 5 Desserts for Mother’s Day, honoring my mom & what she loves best. Anything homemade by you is always a win in mom’s book.
  • Fudgy Lemon & Grapefruit Cream Cake
    If lemon fudge and a grapefruit blondie were to have a beautiful love child, this Fudgy Lemon & Grapefruit Cream Cake would be it.
  • Almond Danish Puff Pastry
    Almond Danish Puff Pastry is one of the best things in the world. A thin & flaky pie crust, a light & airy almond choux pastry topped off with a silky vanilla bean icing. Texture, flavor, and simplicity at its finest.
  • Loaded Lemon Cheesecake Bars
    Luscious lemon cheesecake bars absolutely brimming with fresh lemon zing. Lemon graham cracker crust, lemon infused granulated sugar, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you love lemon and cheesecake. These bars are for you!
  • Chocolate Coffee Mud Pie
    Five delicious, decadent layers. Oreo cookie base, coffee & chocolate chip ice cream, oreo fudge, coffee ice cream, topped off with cool whip and even more oreos! Layers of texture and flavor. A chocolate coffee lovers dream.

In honor of my absolute LOVE of baking, generations of women teaching me to bake, my grandma, and mom, I present you with my favorite recipes and anecdotes. I present Freya Baking Co.

I have always marched to the beat of my own drum, I’m in my thirties now, I don’t give a heck, who has time for that?! Over the years I’ve acquired a ton of skills, tried tons of products, and have simple shortcuts to make things easier. But also have some more technical recipes for those of you who love a challenge. It will all be laid out in full detail whether you’re new or old to baking.

Pack in flavor, use the tools you’ve got, and bake whatever brings you joy!

You do you. Bake your heart out while I do the same!

To learn a bit more about me click here