Hi! I’m Kelley, owner, baker, & blogger of Freya Baking Co!

Baking has brought me joy for over 30 years (where has the time gone?!), there’s nothing better than baking something delicious and sharing it with those you love.

Life is short and extremely volatile – chaotic, but also full of love and possibilities if you choose to see it. Finding something that brings you the joy you deserve helps create a more exciting, hopeful, and flavorful world.

Whether you’re new to the baking world or have been baking your entire life, you’re in the right spot, exactly where you’re supposed to be – just like me!

I love everything sweet… actually pretty much anything that tickles my taste buds in a way that I can feel it throughout my entire body, moan and groan – yeah, I’m one of those. Eating is an experience, there’s a reason we all love it so much. It can be individual, like when you hide big bites of cake from your husband only to have him walk in on you, mouth full of cake, unable to speak, with frosting on your lips, giggling that you’ve been caught. Or it can be shared in a group; laughing, talking, drinking, soaking in all of the ways that desserts and treats can make your heart sing. Or shared with someone you love, baking something for someone you love feeds you on a different level, feeding each other can either be hilarious or super sexy, best if it’s both. Food is essential yes, but it can be soulful too. It has the potential to nourish us, heart and soul.

Just a little bite…

I grew up in Bellevue, Washington (mostly, we moved around a lot), moved to Arizona for a few years, and now I’m back in Washington in a quiet little town up North. I’m married to my soulmate of nine years and have two dogs. Our fur babies. Bodhi is a “mini” Australian shepherd and Hunter is a “mini” black lab. I say mini because they are fairly small in stature but dense. They’re the perfect size and love their ruff life.

We’re homebodies, life for us has been tough.

But we lift each other up when the other is down, not take anything too seriously, and put our life together first. We love to garden and have totally transformed our backyard into a prolific vegetable and flower oasis. I love to grow flowers in as many varieties that I can and cram as many as I can into our small space, overlapping varieties, thinning things out less than I should in an attempt to create a fairy tale garden.

I’m a long time artist. I started taking drawing classes early in elementary school, calligraphy, and painting. I went to school for Interior Design but preferred decorating my space better than others – rose colored glasses on that degree. Abstract art is my favorite but I love realistic figure painting too. There are so many creative and talented artists out there, please create more art!

My family is small and all dead on my dads side… sad but true. My father commited suicide nearly 10 years ago and mental health issues run in the family. My life has been a wild ride full of heartbreak, devastating life altering changes, but also love and experience – I’ve seen some sh!t.

I’m predominately Scandinavian – hence Freya Baking Co, but have always wondered what else is in my ancestry since my dad was adopted. Sadly it has been one dead end after another in discovering more about him.

I vowed to never marry and didn’t believe in “true love” after watching my parents marriage fall apart over many years. Funny how things change. I love when my husband tells that he knew he was going to marry me since he was in second grade, a thought I could never imagine for myself. It was a marathon for him as I ignored him since he is my little brothers best friend and has been for many years. It wasn’t until my dad died that I realized how incredible (and incredibly hot) of a man my husband was/is. Simplified, the game changed and we fell in love shortly after. Imagine telling your little brother that you’re in love with his best friend of 20 years… awkward.

He loves to cook and I love to bake. We balance each other in so many ways.

Not only am I excited to share a wonderful collection of recipes, but also the highs and ultra-low lows throughout my life. Through this I want to share my stories. I know I am not the only one who has been through some sh!t and together we can do anything!

Meet the Team