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Loaded Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

This isn’t your standard cookies and cream ice cream, this is Loaded Cookies & Cream Ice Cream. Oreos soaked in milk dissolve into an extremely flavorful ice cream base, mixed until silky soft, and filled to the brim with oreo cookie and creamy filling bits.

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up close view three bowls stacked with top one filled with three scoops loaded cookies & cream ice cream

I generally make a lot of ice cream during the Summer months. Blackberry Ice Cream being one of my other favorites. And I am itching for Summer. I want to be warm. The sun continues to creep up earlier and earlier with me every single morning as I am generally up around 4-5am. I’m looking forward to being up at 4am when it is actually light out, sparking some sort of snap out of hibernation, and actually start working early in the morning instead of waiting for the sun to rise, then wait for my husband to leave for work, and dick around some more. I could always start earlier but I enjoy my time hanging out and following him around before he leaves. The dogs on our heels.

I am sick and tired of being cold. I am SO over “Spring” – though I am happy for the days it’s 60 degrees and sunny. Summer can come in and cook me in its bright, hot, assaulting light. Blind me and bake me, pleeeaase!

So were going to fake Summer today by making Doug and my favorite ice cream. Gluttonous and loaded with double stuff Oreos, yes, we are those people.

side view loaded cookies & cream ice cream in two bowls topped with hot fudge and colorful sprinkles

Soaking your oreos in milk really enhances the cookies & cream flavor.

You know when you soak oreos in milk and they disintegrate? Honestly, it is the best way to eat them in my opinion. Seperate the cookies from the cream and soak the cookies in milk for five minutes. The bright white milk turns into this deep, dark, chocolatey cookie goodness. All of the fat in the milk soaking up every crumb of those cookies for a deep cookies and cream flavor you have never experienced before.

We generally just eat the ice cream right out of the container. My fiance likes to bring it out on the couch and bring ONE spoon. Which one spoon for two people and this ice cream just does not work. Get your own dang spoon! Soft ice cream loaded with oreo bits and nibbles of oreo cream bits. Delicious.

ingredients for loaded cookies & cream ice cream

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Helpful Tools:

birds eye view loaded cookies & cream ice cream topped with more oreos

Recipe Notes:

Allow Ample Time to Freeze Ice Cream Bowl:

You will need some sort of ice cream maker. I’m pretty happy with the Cuisinart one we use. You do have to freeze the bowl solid before making anything, a full 24 hours. I find that the bowl is borderline not big enough and it does thaw rapidly. I will usually keep the bowl in the freezer all Summer long.

For the Cuisinart Ice Cream maker I use, I have to wrap the churning bowl in a plastic bag before freezing and have a place in the freezer to store it upright. It needs a full 24 hours to freeze solid. Be sure to freeze it upright. If it’s tilted or sideways while freezing it will not churn evenly.

Then the ice cream itself needs to spend a good six hours in the freezer to set up. So yes, a little bit of a pain in the butt but so worth the wait. As torturous as the wait is.

Use Cold Ingredients:

Keep the heavy cream and milk in the fridge until you’re ready to make it, don’t leave it on the counter while you’re preparing other aspects. Depending on the temperature in your house, the ice cream churning bowl does start to thaw as soon as it comes out of the freezer. We need the bowl cold. Keeping everything cold will ensure the ice cream churns properly and for the correct amount of time.

Don’t Overmix your Heavy Cream Mixture:

I made this mistake so you don’t have to. Mix the sugar and milk mixture on low with a hand mixer. It’s annoying to do this on low speed as I like to do everything fast. At this stage it’s okay to whip it a little quicker but it will get pretty foamy.

Once you add your heavy cream, mix with a spatula. If you continue using the hand mixer your ice cream mixture will quickly turn into whip cream. Which when frozen turns into cool whip, but not ice cream.

birds eye view loaded cookies & cream ice cream in two bowls topped with hot fudge and sprinkles

Step by Step Instructions:

First and foremost: Freeze your ice cream bowl for at least a full 24 hours or per the manufacturer’s instructions

Prepare Loaded Cookies & Cream Ice Cream:

  • Using 13 Oreos, separate the cream filling from the cookies
  • In a bowl (2 quart or more) or 8 Cup Pyrex, pour in milk, add chocolate cookies. Then set in the refrigerator for 5 minutes to fully break down and stay cool
  • Chop the oreo cream centers into pea size pieces, some bigger, some smaller and roll them into balls, set aside
  • Once oreo cookies have disintegrated, remove oreo milk bowl from fridge and add sugar to mixture. Using a hand mixer, mix together until the sugar granules are fully broken down and incorporated into the mixture, about 2-3 minutes. Test this using a fingertip, if you feel sugar granules it needs to be mixed longer
  • Add heavy cream and vanilla, mix to combine. Put in fridge until ice cream maker is set up

Make Loaded Cookies & Cream Ice Cream:

  • Once ice cream maker is set up, turn on your ice cream maker before pouring mixture into it, give your oreo ice cream mixture one last stir and pour into the ice cream maker
  • Churn for 25-30 minutes, ice cream will be very soft
  • While churning, chop six additional oreos into pea to dime sized pieces, reserve half for topping the ice cream, set aside
  • Alternating between the cream and half of the chopped cookies, add a 2 tablespoons at a time and allow for them to incorporate into the mixture before adding more
  • Churn an additional five minutes
  • Dump ice cream into an airtight 2 quart container (8 cups). Smooth the top and top with reserved oreos
  • Freeze for at least six hours
  • Top with Hot Fudge, sprinkles, or enjoy right out of the container!
side view loaded cookies & cream ice cream

Other Amazinggg Ice Cream Recipes:

Blackberry Ice Cream: This blackberry ice cream is loaded with fresh (or frozen) blackberry purée, this silky ice cream is sure to satisfy late summer cravings any time of year.

Chocolate Coffee Mud Pie: Five delicious, decadent layers. Oreo cookie base, coffee & chocolate chip ice cream, oreo fudge, coffee ice cream, topped off with cool whip and even more oreos! Layers of texture and flavor. A chocolate coffee lovers dream.’

Frozen Grand Marnier & Cranberry Torte: Rich chocolate cookie crust, creamy frozen orange & Grand Marnier filling, topped off with gooey spiced cranberries. Impress your guests with this Frozen Grand Marnier & Cranberry Torte.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Ice Cream Pie: Chewy peanut butter rice krispie base, topped with ultra creamy dark cherry ice cream, then piled high with cherry compote. This peanut butter and jelly ice cream pie is the ultimate in peanut butter and jelly desserts.

Loaded Oreo Ice Cream

Recipe by Kelley Solomon, Freya Baking Co
Prep time


Churn time


Freezing Time



Loaded Cookies & Cream Ice Cream is super flavorful, silky, & filled to the brim with oreo cookie & cream bits. A family favorite.


  • 19 Double Stuff Oreos, divided

  • 1½ Cups Whole Milk

  • 1 Cup Granulated Sugar

  • 3 Cups Heavy Cream

  • 1 Tablespoon Vanilla


  • FREEZE your ice cream bowl for at least a full 24 hours or per the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Using 13 Oreos, separate the cream filling from the cookies
  • In a bowl (2 quart or more) or 8 Cup Pyrex, pour in milk, add chocolate cookies. Then set in the refrigerator for 5 minutes to fully break down and stay cool
  • Chop the oreo cream centers into pea size pieces, some bigger, some smaller and roll them into balls, set aside
  • Once disintegrated, remove oreo milk bowl from fridge and add sugar to mixture. Using a hand mixer, mix together until the sugar granules are fully broken down and incorporated into the mixture, about 2-3 minutes.*
  • Add heavy cream and vanilla, mix to combine
  • Turn on your ice cream maker before pouring mixture into it, give your oreo ice cream mixture one last stir and pour into the ice cream maker
  • Churn for 25-30 minutes, ice cream will be very soft
  • While churning, chop six additional oreos into pea to dime sized pieces, reserve half for topping the ice cream, set aside
  • Alternating between the cream and half of the chopped cookies, add a 2 tablespoons at a time and allow for them to incorporate into the mixture before adding more
  • Churn an additional five minutes
  • Dump ice cream into an airtight 2 quart container (8 cups). Smooth the top and top with reserved oreos
  • Freeze for at least six hours.
  • Top with Hot Fudge, sprinkles, or enjoy right out of the container!


  • *Dip your finger in to test it or use a spatula, you’ll feel granules on your finger tips

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